* * * This is an online course version of the previously released ebook. Content is the same. Video commentary and other details will be added periodically. The PDF is included in this course.
The Church should be well-funded through obedience and generosity as a response to gratitude.
And the leaders and teams should be compensated in a way that provides relevant footing for them to engage with the marketplace leaders and real-world people they’re called to reach.
This essay addresses the evidently-taboo topic of church staff compensation. It's intended to make you THINK, not think any specific way or even agree with me. Pay a lot, pay a little, pay nothing. You decide that.
My goal is to provide you another way to think about what I've discovered very few actually think about at all.
I address some of the problems I see around this topic. And provide some anecdotes, hot takes, and paradigm shakers throughout.
Problem One: The Standard Pay Myth
Problem Two: Most churches have leaders who cannot budget well. And even fewer who can stick to a budget.
Problem Three: Most churches are grossly overstaffed and underperforming.
Problem Four: There are very few pastors and executives who genuinely want their teams to be as successful or more successful than them.
BTW... have you scheduled a FREE call with me? Let's discuss topic further (or anything else you'd like) in a FREE initial call.